The Cookbooks
Here’s a list of the cookbooks we are working to preserve on this site, listed in order of publication from old to new. We provide these scans to save these historical hard-copy only cookbooks from being lost to time. We are happy to be able to share these treasured recipes with generations to come.
1937: The Hilo Woman’s Club Cook Book
Preserved by 🤙Jodi Hirata🤙
1951: Japanese Foods (Hui Manaolana)
Preserved by 🤙Michelle Saito🤙

~1957: Our Favorite Recipes (Yellow)
Preserved by 🌺Beki Thomson and Kris Stanton🌺

~1964: More of Our Favorite Recipes (Red)
Preserved by 🌺Jenifer Hasegawa and Kris Stanton🌺

1967: Still More of Our Favorite Recipes (Green)
Preserved by 🤙Kris Stanton🤙

~1967: New Products Show Souvenir Cookbook
Preserved by 🌺Allisa Benjamin & Lily Cordero🌺

1968: A Book of Favorite Recipes (Kauai 4-H Leaders’ Council)
Preserved by 🤙Michelle Saito🤙

1970: Recipes Please (Compiled by Joyce Nip, Karen Sugimoto, Florence Yamada; Aiea High School)
Preserved by 🤙Kris Stanton🤙

1970s?: Kauai Zonta Women’s Club Cookbook
Preserved by 🤙Michelle Saito🤙

1972: Still Many More Of Our Favorite Recipes (Blue)
Preserved by 🌺Kim C.🌺

1974: Hawaii’s Recipes (Honolulu Junior Achievement)
Preserved by 🤙Diane Shiraishi🤙

1974: Ono Meaʻai (Hawaii CPA Wives Club)

1976: Okinawan Cookery and Culture (Hui O Laulima)
Preserved by 🌺Karyn Fukuda Takahashi🌺

1978: Our Golden Anniversary Favorite Recipes (Maui Extension Homemakers’ Council)

1978: Favorite Recipes for Islanders
Preserved by 🤙Jennifer Hasegawa🤙

1978: The Alumni Cooks Vol II - Hilo High School
Preserved by 🌺Allisa Benjamin & Lily Cordero🌺

1981: Our Favorite Recipes (Leeward Community College Clerical Staff Council)
Preserved by 🤙Mark Nakakihara🤙

1984: HGEA Unit 3 Anniversary Cookbook
Preserved by 🤙Mark Nakakihara🤙

1985: Plantation Village Cookbook (Friends of Waipahu Cultural Garden Park)
Preserved by 🤙Diane Shiraishi🤙

1985: Itadakimasu - Women of Nu'uanu Centennial Cookbook (Nu’uanu Congregational Church)
Preserved by 🤙Kim C.🤙

1985: A Lei of Recipes (Kauai Extension Homemakers Council)
Preserved by 🤙Michelle Saito🤙

1985: The Many Flavors of Maui
Preserved by 🤙Earl Morimoto🤙

1987: The Second Plantation Village Cookbook (Friends of Waipahu Cultural Garden Park)
Preserved by 🤙Diane Shiraishi🤙

1987: The Pleasures of Portuguese Cooking
Preserved by 🤙Kim C.🤙

1991: Itadakimasu - Women of Nu'uanu Cookbook II
Preserved by 🤙Mark Nakakihara🤙

1991: A Hundred Years of Island Cooking
Preserved by 🌺Kris Stanton🌺

1994: Recipes For Life (Jesus Is Alive Church; Wailuku, Maui)
Preserved by 🌺Annette Vares-Tanner🌺

1995: HGEA-AFSCME Cooks III (Hawaii Gov’t Employees Assoc. AFSCME Local 152, AFL-CIO)

1996: 50th Anniversary Best of Our Favorite Recipes (Cream)

1996: Good Recipes from Your Friends at Hale Makua (Hale Makua)
Preserved by our good friends at 🌴Hale Makua🌴

1998: The Tastes and Tales of Moʻiliʻili (Moʻiliʻili Community Center)
Preserved by 🌺Shelly Nowaki🌺

1999: Recipes from the Heart of Hawaii’s Puerto Ricans (The United Puerto Rican Association of Hawaii, Inc.)
Preserved by 🌺Diane Shiraishi🌺

2000: Let’s Cook Warabi (George Yoshida and friends, 2000)
Preserved by 🤙Kim C.🤙

2003: Hui O Wahine’s Potluck Favorites III
Preserved by 🌺Shelly Abe Ogata🌺

2003: Nā Mea ʻAi ʻOno o Waiʻalae (The Delicious Foods of Waiʻalae)
2006: Our Best Recipes - Hale Makua at 60 Years (Hale Makua)
Preserved by our good friends at 🌴Hale Makua🌴

2007: What’s Cooking at DAGS (Hawaii Department of Accounting and General Services)
Preserved by 🌺Diane Shiraishi🌺

2010: Hele Mai ʻAi - Come Eat (State of Hawaii Department of Budget & Finance)
Preserved by 🌺Diane Shiraishi🌺